Sunday, October 26, 2008

To blog or not to blog

To blog, or not to blog, that question has been floating around in the dark recesses of what serves as my brain for some time now. Trying to decide whether to take some of the daily ramblings and actually jot them down for all to see or to keep my insanity a secret. Because you see, I’ve been blogging in my head since long before there was such a thing in the real world. But if the decision is made to do it, the next question is how to start a blog. No, no, I don’t mean the physical where to put it, how to get it there, I mean how to start it off. This is something I wanted to do years ago but thought maybe I needed something profound, or at least a really great event to talk about. I can’t just start off “Today I fed the cat and went to work.” Puhleeze, save me now.

But when there is something special going on, there is not always time to say, “Hey I think I’ll start a blog today.” So I finally decided, “Why not start a blog with, writing about starting a blog.” OK, it’s probably not original, but I haven’t read one on this before, so it’s not copying either. Cut me some slack, I am new at this after all.

So, I’m taking this class at school called Writing the Long Story. It’s a fiction class. I’ve never written fiction before except for, like blogging, in my head. I wasn’t sure if I could pull it off, but wanted to give it a try. It’s a short class, what they call a Masterworks class at Rollins. It only meets 5 times and we are to write a 10,000 word (approximately 40 pages) story. This is of course, in addition to my regular class work. I’m presently working on my Masters of Liberal Studies and taking the first core course which is The Human Order. In this class we study the classics: Homer, Plato, Aristophanes, Virgil, etc. Lots of reading, lots of writing, but I still wanted more. You know, an outlet other than my cats, who look at me these large eyes and say, “shut up and feed me!” I wanted to write about some things that weren’t assigned to me. Even if no one ever reads it, it’s OK.

So, I’m taking this writing class, and the only thing set about the assignment is the length and that it’s fiction. Otherwise you’re on your own, which is cool. So naturally, (if you don’t already know this about me you will figure it out) I have to write a fantasy adventure story. Sure, I know I’m not Tolkien or Eddings, but it’s my favorite genre and that’s what I’m interested in writing. I sat down and started writing and the story just came flooding out. Each class I had way more written that what I needed at the time. I thought, “Wow, this is fun. Maybe I should go ahead and start that blog that I’ve been thinking about.” You thought I had gone off topic didn’t you? So anyway, here it is. Both the story and the blog may be crap, who knows, but at least they are out of my head! If you’re wondering what’s to come, there will probably be some rantings about politics, women’s rights, and bad drivers, amongst other things, and almost certainly things about the family, the cats, and school.

Come share my insanity. All are welcome.

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